Who are we?


We all come from a French private school named Epitech, also called the European Institute of Technology. Although this private institution of higher education teaches general computer science, it is mostly oriented on computer programming.

In order to validate our diploma, we have to realize a "2-years long" project. We call it: Epitech Innovative Project. This project, just like the education system, is founded on the "project method"; it means getting experience through the realization of a project. It makes us deal with all the aspects of a project: business, technologic, design and communication. It's based on the assumption that it can become a start-up after the diploma obtained.

Our team

Our team is composed of 7 members. Six of us come from Bordeaux (France) and one from Paris. Before Beluga, we all experienced the Haxe technologies in various small project. We noticed that something was missing. A framework to help us in our projects.

Then, Beluga was born. The idea initially came from Jimmy Delas and Thomas Wilgenbus. Jeremy Letang, Guillaume Gomez, Alexis Brissard and Valentin Trinque joined the project soon after. And few months after, the team decided to work with Clement Fassi. The members are 21 to 24 years old in average creating a very dynamic team full filled with passion and power of will.

Our philosophy!

"We are open to our community, its needs and requirements. Haxers from all around the world, we are happy to build and share with you!"

Want to chat?

Contact us

You can contact us directly by e-mail at the following address:



As you already know, our project is hosted by GitHub. You can contact us on our GitHub's profil or just follow some cool repositories.

Get involved with Beluga development opening an issue or submitting a pull request.